The YouTube channel of Corpse has 7,58 million subscribers. Corpse Husband based his entire brand on obscurity, and his face revelation generated a great deal of buzz. Recently, other images that many believe to be of him have been circulating, although their authenticity cannot be confirmed.

Corpse Husband Real Name and Age

Corpse Husband’s actual name is unknown, as he conceals practically every part of his existence. He has 24 years of age. Corpse Husband was born in San Diego, California, in 1997.

Face Revelation of Corpse Husband

Corpse Husband has never publicly shown their face. Nonetheless, his presence has been “leaked” on social media on a number of occasions. In September 2021, for instance, a photograph purportedly depicting the streamer began to circulate on Twitter. Corpse Husband himself never commented on the rumored ‘leak,’ but his admirers rushed to his defense when he was bombarded with “disgusting” and “ugly” comments. Others questioned the image’s authenticity, stating that the person depicted did not match the official photographs of Corpse Husband posted on other social media channels, such as Instagram. For instance, one fan asserted, “He said his hair is black and wavy, and his hands do not fit this individual.” The identity of Corpse Husband is unknown to his fans. He has shared his anxiety difficulties in multiple instances, although he prefers not to divulge his true identity. In an interview with Anthony Padilla, in which his logo hid his face, he appeared on camera alongside two other guests who likewise lacked faces. Recently, a photograph claiming to be the face of Corpse Husband has surfaced on Twitter. However, the identity of the person in the photograph is uncertain.

Corpse Husband Net worth and Career

Clearly, the majority of his revenue will come from the video-sharing website YouTube. He rose to fame in September of last year. According to the statistics tracker Social Blade, he earns an estimated $76,800 from YouTube alone. Using an average rate of $0.0032 per stream that Spotify pays its artists, some analysts estimate that he has earned $1.7 million from his music to date. The estimated net worth of Corpse Husband is approximately $2,000,000.

Corpse Husband Voice

The corpse’s deep voice has been attributed to a combination of heredity and GERD. Although GERD, which can impair the throat owing to stomach acid being carried up into the oesophagus, appears to have had a long-term effect on the creator’s vocal cords, longtime admirers have noticed that Corpse’s voice was always deep.

Corpse’s Health

The state of Corpse’s health is something he has been forthright about. Multiple medical ailments affect him, including fibromyalgia, sleep apnea, and acid reflux syndrome. GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease, is also a factor in his distinctively deep voice, as it altered the pitch. In addition, he wears an eye patch while streaming and playing video games because one of his eyes is particularly sensitive to light. Long gaming sessions can cause him severe agony, and he has also tested positive for thoracic outlet syndrome and Lyme disease. He has acknowledged that he has not always been able to acquire the sort of care he requires, but since fans have continually urged him to seek assistance, he has provided updates regarding his visits to various specialists. Despite keeping his name a secret, he has been forthcoming about his medical history.

Corpse Husband Search Interest

Corpse Husband Social Media

Corpse Husband is present on YouTube, Twitch, Spotify, and other social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter.


Corpse Husband is a well-known YouTuber whose visage has been the focus of several controversies. The admirers anticipate seeing the personality’s true appearance very soon.